Sto di nuovo lottando con la tecnologia: come si fa ad inserire un album fotografico??? Prima o poi capirò anche questo.
Ma, nel frattempo, provo almeno a mettere qualche sorta di foto della festa di Torrita Tiberina in questo post, così potrete vederle!... Spero :-S
I'm here again! And, as ever, I'm fighting against technology: how can I put a slideshow here??? I'll understand that one day. But, while waiting for that, I'll try at least to put some sort of picture of the Torrita Tiberina festival here, so you can see them!... I hope :-S

Very pretty, Federica!
RispondiEliminaI like the best the picture in the middle that shows the beautiful scenery of the land. ;o)
Thank you so much, I'm happy you liked it :-)
RispondiEliminaYes, that panorama is really nice, it surprised me when I saw it :-)