"Dimmi, buon signore, che siedi così quieto, la fine del tuo viaggio che cosa ci portò? Le teste maculate di feroci tigri, per fartene tappeto le loro pelli?"
"Tell me, fair sir, sitting so quietly, what did the end of your trip bring us? Spotted heads of ferocious tigers, whose fur you'll use as carpets?"
"Between the fourth and the fifth month, I went hunting up on the hills on my own...
... So, with my heart in my throat, I was waiting for a fallow deer to come...
... The deer came there instead, stopping in front of me...
'I cry for my destiny: I'll die soon. And then, as a gift, I'll offer to you: ...
... These wide antlers, my fair sir, ...
... you'll be able to drink using my ears, ...
... my eye will be a clear mirror for you to look into, ...
... with my hair you'll make paintbrushes, ...
... if my meat will be your food, ...
... my fur will warm you up...
... and my liver will give you courage. ...
... So it'll be like that, fair sir, the body of your old servant will bear fruit seven times, seven times will bloom again. ' . "
"Dimmi, buon signore, che siedi così quieto, la fine del tuo viaggio che cosa ci portò? ..."
"Tell me, fair sir, sitting so quietly, what did the end of your trip bring us? ..."
"Tell me, fair sir, sitting so quietly, what did the end of your trip bring us? ..."
Lo so che forse ho bisogno di uno scanner, ma spero comunque che i miei disegni, associati a questa bella canzone di Angelo Branduardi, vi piacciano! :-)
I know maybe I need a scanner, but I hope you'll like anyway my drawings, associated with this beautiful song from Angelo Branduardi! :-)
Fantastic job!
RispondiEliminaThank you so much! :-D
RispondiElimina(Grazie mille! :-D )
Fede, your pictures are beautiful!
RispondiEliminaI like most the deer representing "courage" and the young hunter standing beside a rock.
Just a small technical detail, if I may:
A right-handed person holds the bow in the left hand and the arrow in the right hand.
A happy day to you! ;o)
Thank you! :-)
RispondiEliminaAnd thank you so much for the advice too, I really really appreciate that! :-*
I noticed that when I already drew the deer, so I had to find a left handed hunter on the net, and it was really hard! XD
(Grazie Oby! :-)
Soprattutto per il consiglio, che apprezzo davvero tantissimo -un arciere destrorso impugna l'arco con la mano sinistra e la freccia nella destra- ! :-*
Il fatto è che avevo ormai già disegnato il cervo e quindi mi serviva un arciere mancino... Ma che fatica trovarlo su internet! XD )